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Fake Service Dogs Are Becoming A Bigger PROBLEM

I came across this:

This was on battle buddies on facebook who give dogs to vets who have served our country and I felt like this needed to placed here and brought to the forefront of what is happening to individuals with disabilities who spend thousands of dollars normally 10-50k for 1 dog, thats just the training, that doesnt include the cost of the dog, the gear, and all that jazz.

I realize this probably doesn't apply to you nor do you know anyone with a service animal but this needs to be shared, talked about and action taken!

Please if you see a fake service dog do the following, or suspect one is:

Some states have service dog fraud laws where the police can go after them, it's normally a slap on the wrist, but my state, its a misdemeanor, one if found guilty will get a misdemeanor, 3 years in jail and up to a 1500 fine. It's not much but that goes on there record. Also if you believe you are around a fake service animal, take as many pictures as you can of the individual, the "fake team", if possible a photograph of there gear. Alot of people get pictures by going up and saying "I just love your team, do you mind if I take a picture of your dog or of the both of you", only do this if it's safe. Also record a video, you can record a video after capturing on a photograph doesnt matter if the video is facing the service dog and owner, try and get few second of person talking, but you could make small talk and then say do you mind if I ask you, is your dog an actual service dog? What disablity and tasks does your dog do to mitigate your disability?" Those are what businesses can ask. The more proof you have the better chance you have of this person being arrested. Call the police while in the store, tell them you have video and pics of a fake service animal. I will stop talking, but if you make a trail of proof for a fake service dog then only can we start to make a change. I want and have to say this, we all need your help, the individuals who actually need service dogs to just live and survive. We need your help to start reporting this and making a statement and example out of the individuals who are doing this and ruining it for the ones who need it. So I encourage each of you, take a chance, help to save the teams who have trained 2-3 years to get our dogs to the point of full fledged service dog. Take a stand for yourself, for the others in the store, for those who interact with the dog, also you can report to the DOJ once you have filled a police report locally, federally, you have an 80% chance of the DOJ going after them! Please without each of you standing up, we can not have a voice that enough is enough! If you don't who honestly will???

These are my thoughts on todays subject. I took yesterday off from the internet so wasnt even here or anywhere online, I was snacking all day, watching movies and drinking lots of passion tea and iced coffee!

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